Jacob Whitmer Statements as One of the Eight Witnesses
“At his death in 1856,” concludes Richard L. Anderson, “his industry had resulted in ownership of 113 acres. But alienated from his Mormon associates for eighteen years and preoccupied with material survival, Jacob Whitmer had never waned in his conviction regarding the plates.”[1]

According to Andrew Jenson, John C. Whitmer testified to Elder Andrew Jenson in September, 1888, as follows:

“My father (Jacob Whitmer) was always faithful and true to his testimony in regard to the Book of Mormon, and confirmed it on his death-bed.” From other sources it is known that Jacob Whitmer ever remained firm and steadfast to his testimony of the divinity of that sacred record, of which he was permitted to be so important a witness.[2]

In 1888, Jacob’s son, Capt. David P. Whitmer:

My father, Jacob Whitmer, was always faithful and true to his testimony to the Book of Mormon, and confirmed it on his death bed.[3]


[1] Richard L. Anderson. Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses (SLC: Deseret Book Company, 1981), p. 129.
[2] Andrew Jenson. Latter-day Saint biographical encyclopedia : a compilation of biographical sketches of prominent men and women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Salt Lake City : The Andrew Jenson History Co, 1901), p. 277.
[3] Cited in Letter of Andrew Jenson to Deseret News (13 September 1888) from Richmond, Mo.; cited in Deseret News (17 September 1888).