
Insights Episode 16: Why Witnesses?

Why were witnesses to the Book of Mormon, and to the Gold Plates, necessary? What makes these claims different from others throughout history who have claimed divine visions?...

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Insights Episode 12: Who were the Danites?

In 1838, in reaction to persecution, some members of the Church formed a vigilante group known as the Danites. Much has been made of this group in folklore and anti-LDS propaganda. What do we actually know about this group? ...

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Snapshot 19: The Witnesses are Credible

“And no man can look at David Whitmer’s face for a half-hour, while he charit[abl]y and modestly speaks of what he has seen, and then boldly and earnestly confesses the faith that is in him, and say that he is a bigot or an enthusiast.” David Whitmer, interview with...

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Snapshot 18: The Most Profound Experience

“Skeptics may laugh and scoff if they will, but no man can listen to Mr. Whitmer as he talks of his interview with the Angel of the Lord, without being most forcibly convinced that he has heard an honest man tell what he honestly believes to be true.” Richmond...

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Snapshot 17: David Whitmer: Boringly Consistent

“During our interview, Mr. Whitmer reiterated his testimony as given at the beginning of the Book of Mormon, saying that all he testified to there was true; that he had seen the plates and the Heavenly messenger, as he had stated.” David Whitmer, Interview with Edwin...

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Snapshot 16: Martin Harris Returns

“After they [David Whitmer, Joseph, and Oliver] had been visited by the angel the Prophet then came over to me where I was praying, and I asked the prophet to pray with me…after praying sometime the angel appeared with the golden plates and I saw with these two eyes...

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