For more information, see the Witnesses of the Book of Mormon — Insights series compiled from the many interviews conducted during the course of the Witnesses film project. These episodes are hosted by Camrey Bagley Fox, who played Emma Smith in Witnesses, as she...
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“Now the first that my [husband] translated, [the book] was translated by use of the Urim, and Thummim, and that was the part that Martin Harris lost, after that he used a small stone, not exactly, black, but was rather a dark color.” Emma Smith Bidamon to Emma...
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David Whitmer was elected to the Richmond city council for multiple terms and filled the unexpired term of mayor from 1867 to 1868. He was the owner and proprietor of the “Livery and Feed Stable of D. Whitmer & Son” of Richmond. The Richmond Conservator of...
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“[H]ow to act I did not know, and unless I could get more wisdom than I then had, I would never know; for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by...
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“While the mob was raging in Jackson Co. Mo. in 1833 some young men ran down Hiram Page in the woods one of the eight witnesses, and commenced beating and pounding him with whips and clubs. He begged, but there was no mercy. They said he was a damned Mormon, and they...
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In 1843, six men claimed to have unearthed ancient metal plates from a burial mound. They were eventually brought to Joseph Smith. Critics have claimed Joseph was fooled by what was eventually revealed to be a fraud. What is the truth of this claim?...
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Through the years, much has been made of the argument that a man by the name of Solomon Spaulding wrote a manuscript which was used by Joseph Smith as his source for the Book of Mormon. Is there any validity to these claims?...
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What price did the witnesses pay for being witnesses—and for never denying their testimonies of the Book of Mormon?...
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Critics of the Church have claimed through the years that one or more of the witnesses of the Book of Mormon—and of the Gold Plates—eventually denied their testimonies. Is there any truth to these claims?...
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Sidney Rigdon was a fiery orator, a defender of the faith, and Joseph’s Smith’s right hand for many years, who also experienced shared revelations with the prophet. And yet, after the death of Joseph, he left the Church, founding one of his own. Who was this former minister from Ohio?...
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