February 9, 1800
Hyrum born in Tunbridge, Vermont, the second surviving son of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack.
1803 - 1805
A series of financial setbacks and the loss of their farm in Tunbridge, force the Smith family to move from Tunbridge to Royalton, then to Sharon in Windsor County.
1808 - 1812
The Smiths return to Tunbridge, then move on to Royalton, Vermont. The Smith family later moves to Lebanon, New Hampshire.
The family moves to Norwich, Vermont, to work as tenant farmers. They experience three successive years of crop failure. The family relocates to Palmyra, New York.
Early 1820s
Hyrum is a member of the Western Presbyterian Church of Palmyra
Spring, 1820
Joseph Smith, Jr. goes to the woods to pray and has the First Vision.
November 2, 1826
Hyrum marries Jerusha Barden in Manchester, New York.

September 22, 1827
Joseph, Jr. makes his final visit to Cumorah and obtains the plates from the angel Moroni.

Peter Whitmer Home
June, 1829
Hyrum baptized by Joseph, Jr. at Seneca Lake, New York.
The Eight Witnesses, including Hyrum, see the golden plates and testify of the book’s truth.
1829 – 1830
Hyrum assists in arrangements for publication of the Book of Mormon.
April 6, 1830
The Church is formally organized in Fayette, New York.
Hyrum is the oldest among the six original members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
June 9, 1830
Ordained a priest.
1830 - 1831
Presides over the branch of the church at Colesville, New York.
Hyrum and his family relocate to Kirtland, Ohio. During his residence there, he serves as foreman of the quarry providing stone for the Kirtland Temple.
June 4, 1831
Ordained a high priest by Joseph, Jr.
1831 - 1833
Hyrum serves proselyting missions to Missouri and Ohio.
February 10, 1832
Hyrum appointed counselor to Bishop Newel K. Whitney.
January 22-23, 1833
Hyrum attends the organizational meeting of the School of the Prophets.
Recruits members for Zion’s Camp and travels with the group to the aid of the Latter Day Saints in Missouri.
December 1834
Ordained as assistant president in the presidency of the high priesthood.
September 3, 1837
Sustained as assistant counselor in the presidency of the Church.
October 13, 1837
Jerusha dies. They had six children together.
December 24, 1837
Marries Mary Fielding in Kirtland.
March - May 1838
Hyrum migrates to Far West, Missouri with his family.
1838 - 1839
Imprisoned at Liberty Jail, Liberty, Missouri, for five months with his brother Joseph and three other church leaders.
April 16, 1839
Allowed to escape during change of venue, en route from trial in Gallatin, Missouri, to Columbia, Missouri. Arrives in Quincy, Illinois on April 22, 1839.
Moves to Commerce (later Nauvoo), Illinois.
September 1840
Succeeds his father, Joseph Smith Sr., as church patriarch.
January 19, 1841
Hyrum is released as a counselor in First Presidency, replaces Oliver Cowdery as Associate President of the Church, is sustained as Assistant President of the Church and and a prophet, seer, and revelator in First Presidency, standing second in authority to Joseph Smith, Jr.
1842 - 1843
Vice mayor of Nauvoo.
August, 1843
Participates in plural marriage with Mercy Fielding Thompson, widow of Robert B. Thompson and sister to Hyrum’s wife Mary; and Catherine Phillips.
March 11, 1844
Admitted to Council of Fifty.

June 27, 1844
At the jail in Carthage, Illinois, a mob murders Hyrum and his brother Joseph Smith Jr.