July 10, 1804
Emma born at Willingborough Township (later in Harmony), Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Isaac Hale and Elizabeth Lewis.
1810s & 1820s
Member of Methodist church at Harmony.
January 18, 1827
Emma is married to Joseph Smith, Jr. by Zechariah Tarble at South Bainbridge (later Afton), New York.

Farm and Home
Harmony, PA
December, 1827
Joseph and Emma move to Harmony, Pennsylvania and Joseph begins transcribing and translating characters from the plates.
Summer, 1829
Emma joins Joseph during the completion of the translation at the Peter Whitmer Sr. farm in Fayette, New York.

Peter Whitmer Home
June, 1829
Emma and Joseph Smith moves to Fayette, New York with David Whitmer’s aid, to continue the translation at the home of David Whitmer’s father, Peter Whitmer.
April 6, 1830
The Church is formally organized in Fayette, New York.
June 28, 1830
Emma is baptized into Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Oliver Cowdery at Colesville, New York.
January - February, 1831
Joseph and Emma migrate from New York to Kirtland, Ohio.
1831 - 1832
Emma and Joseph live at the John Johnson home in Hiram, Ohio.
Edits and publishes A Collection of Sacred Hymns for the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
January - March, 1838
Joseph and Emma flee Ohio for Far West, Missouri.
February, 1839
Exiled from Missouri while Joseph is in Liberty Jail. Relocates near Quincy, Illinois.
May 10 1839
Moves with Joseph after his release from jail to Commerce (later Nauvoo), Illinois.
March 17 1842
Emma is called as the president of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo.

June 27, 1844
At the jail in Carthage, Illinois, a mob murders Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum.
September, 1846 – February, 1847
Flees to Fulton, Illinois, eventually returning to Nauvoo.
December 23, 1847
Marries Lewis Crum Bidamon in Nauvoo.

April 30, 1879
Emma dies in Nauvoo.