“It was a clear, open beautiful day, far from any inhabitants, in a remote field, at the time we saw the record, of which it has been spoken, brought and laid before us, by an angel, arrayed in glorious light, [who] ascend [descended I suppose] out of the midst of heaven. Now if this is human juggling—judge ye.”

October 3, 1806: Oliver H. P. Cowdery was born in Wells, Vermont to William and Rebecca Fuller Cowdery.
Oliver Cowdery was one of the first members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was a key figure …
Life Stories
by Susan Easton Black
After receiving his education in Vermont and New York, Oliver became a schoolteacher. While teaching school …
“I wrote, with my own pen, the entire Book of Mormon (save a few pages) as it fell from the lips of the Prophet Joseph, …”
Does the fact that Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith were distant cousins make Oliver an unreliable witness?
Why Was Oliver Cowdery Excommunicated from the Church?
A KnoWhy from Book of Mormon Central
Why Did Oliver Cowdery Come Back to the Church?
A KnoWhy from Book of Mormon Central
Does the fact that Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith were distant cousins make Oliver an unreliable witness?